Watering Sensor 16cm
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This Citrina is from the East, it is our Asian cousin. It is sometimes called Hystrix, Thai lime, Makrut Lime or Kaffir Lime. Its leaves are where the interest lies, if you snap one in half, you get an instant aroma of Thai cuisine, it imparts a citrus fragrance to dishes, drinks and infusions. The fragrant leaves have a very warm, inviting aroma and provide a light, yet citrus flavour to dishes. Lamai is the perfect Citrina for anyone wishing to add an authentic Asian twist to their home – and their dinner parties. Have a look at our Scallops with Lime Kaffir Green Curry.
Lamai blooms in spring, presenting a wonderful display of fragrant pink and white flowers…an exotic look for an exotic kitchen. The fruit will develop on more mature plants. When fully mature, the fruit is yellow but almost invariably it is harvested immature while still green. The Markut lime is small, with an unusual and distinct shape and rind of irregular and extremely bumpy texture. The rind is thick and its oil has a very pungent lime-like aroma when picked immature. Chefs find all sorts of uses for the rind, and leaves of this plant.